What in the holy CSS?!

I think my site has a mobile ghost...

Ok, this wasn't supposed to be my focus today, so this is going to be short, but I had to share the newest frustration with my site

So as I had done previously, I got my site up, wrote about my struggles, posted that, then tested the site on my phone.

Imagine my dismay when this is what I saw.....

My site with the footer in the middle


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to duplicate this on my desktop at all, and it was doing this on all my pages, on all of the mobile browsers I used. Too fried from the day, I decided to make it my priority today.

Jumping in today, before I did anything, I gave my site a refresh....and the damn thing was fine! No floating footers, no spacing issues, nothing.

So yeah.....I really don't know what to say about it. While the explorer part of me wants to dive deep into the how of all of it, the rest of me wants to be done with manually updating my static site. That side is a little louder, so I'm filing this under "check this out later" and looking to start working on Pelican today.

Really hoping to not run into any more web ghosts today...

Category: Web Development